Filipino American League of Engineers & Architects


by: Mr. John Ramos

February 4, 2010 - BOARD of DIRECTORS’ MONTHLY MEETING: Secretary declared a quorumall Board Members were present except one.  Meeting was called to order at 5:45 PM by the President. Treasurer’s Report: Nic gave an update of the FALEA Foundation and FALEA’s financial balances. Suzie turned in some more monies from the Christmas Caroling activity. An acknowledgement from Sagip Kapamilya, ABS-CBN Foundation, Inc. regarding FALEA Foundation’s donation to the typhoon victims of the Philippines was received also. Committee Reports: INFO & PUBLICATION – Joey will update the website to include more details on the upcoming Golf Tournament, and also will publish Elvine’s e-Mail thanking the FALEA Board for his recent Scholarship Award. Suzie, our HCES representative, gave an update on the upcoming Engineer’s Week activities. The banquet will be on the 20th of February. The Board authorized payment for a full table for the occasion. TRAINING/PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT – Several individuals who attended the FE review classes last year subsequently passed their FE exams. Ramon and Jeoffrey also reported that the next examinations will be April 17, and October 30. About 17 individuals have already signed up for the Saturday classes which will start on the 13th of this Month. The venue will be in Waipahu courtesy of Roger Urbi, a past president of FALEA. Back-up facility will be in Kalihi at Elvi’s. MEMBERSHIP – No change. Unfinished Business: FALEA GOLF TOURNAMENT – The date has been changed to April 16, 2010. Chairing the event this year will be Angie Legaspi assisted by Jojo Lopez. Forms and info flyers are being prepared. We now have about a dozen early sponsor commitments. Solicitation will continue. HCES BANQUET – We will have a full table. Deadline for the $40 banquet cost is February 9th. After that it goes up to $50.00. FILIPINO FIESTA PARADE – We will have a float as discussed during the January meeting. Marisol already has a concept of what the float will look like. Ramon will be assisting on implementing the design. The float will represent Central Luzon and the Bahay Kubo will be a part of the overall theme. Contact Marisol and Ramon if you have any great idea to enhance our participation. New Business: Public Outreach Program. This will be discussed at next Month’s Meeting. Announcements: Oscar Paez, a past FALEA president who has had a recent heart surgery is reportedly doing great, and is now resting at home. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 6:55 PM. Next Meeting: March 5, 2010, 5:30 PM at APB’s.