Filipino American League of Engineers & Architects

July to August


by: Mr. John Ramos





Committee Reports: INFO & PUBLICATION

– Website is current; 2010 Scholarship. Application can be downloaded, and General Assembly/Inaugural Info are also on the website now. TRAINING/PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT– No updates. MEMBERSHIP – No change. SCHOLARSHIP – Eugene reported that he hasn’t receive any application yet.

Unfinished Business: FALEA GOLF TOURNAMENT– Remains open, as there are still someoutstanding receivables. 

FILCOM CENTER – Elvi attended a recent Saturday meeting. 

GENERAL ASSEMBLY - There was a change of venue for the Annual FALEA General Assembly. It will now be held at Tri-Point Group, LLC’s facility in Waipahu, 11AM to 3PM, courtesy of Roger Urbi, a FALEA past president. Elvi, in charge of Nominations & Election has been talking to Board Members as well as other individuals to come up with the 2010-2011 Administrative Year.

Slate of Officers and Directors. INAUGURAL & 17th ANNIVERSARY BANQUET – This will be on October 2, 2010 at the Pacific Beach Hotel.

Suzie has, and been distributing, the tickets for the event. The cost is still the same as last year’s at $45.00. The DJ/Music will be handled by Noni Panen, but we are still waiting confirmation for Emcee and Special Guest/Induction Officer.

New Business: An Ad Hoc advisory committee capacity to handle matters involving the community has been approved by the board. This will

be called the Community Affairs Committee to be chaired by Jojo.

Next Meeting: September 2, 2010 at APB’s. Note: Other meetings will be called as needed prior to and up until the last week of September

to discuss various items in conjunction with the upcoming Inaugural Banquet.