Filipino American League of Engineers & Architects

May to June


by: Mr. John Ramos


June 3, 2010 - BOARD of DIRECTORS’ MONTHLY MEETING: The meeting was called to order by the President at 5:45PM. A quorum was declared with 9 Board Members present. Treasurer’s Report: Marisol couldn’t make it to the meeting, so Nic gave an update of treasury balances for FALEA and the Foundation. He also gave a summary handout. He informed the Board that Marisol will be moving to the mainland later this Month. Since there are only a couple of Months left before the end of the Administrative Year, Nic, as Ass’t treasurer, will be handling Marisol’s function until a new Treasurer is elected during our General Assembly in August. FilCom gave $500 to FALEA for participating in last Month’s Fiesta Parade with a Float. A major portion of the reimbursement was used to defray expenses for building the Float. The $60 deposit for a Marching Unit was also reimbursed to FALEA.  Committee Reports: INFO & PUBLICATION – Website is current. The President gave a CD of all major activity photos this year to Joey. He will select photos to include in the website. Suzie, our HCES representative, attended the June 1st HCES meeting. TRAINING/PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT – FALEA will host a get-together for the 2010 FE Review attendees and volunteer instructors later this year. Certificates of participation will also be given during our installation banquet October 2nd. MEMBERSHIP – No change. SCHOLARSHIP – Joey will publish the App Form and criteria. Deadline for App is end of August to give the selection committee enough time to make the selection for the October 2nd Awards. Unfinished Business: FALEA GOLF TOURNAMENT – No report. SUMMER FUN – New date for the summer camp: July 4th. Check- in time Sunday is at 3 PM, and check out the following day is at 12 Noon. New Business: Coming up is our General Assembly, August 21st – Suzie will confirm possible use of church facility with St. Philomena. The Inaugural and 17th Anniversary Banquet will be on October 2, 2010 at the Pacific Beach Hotel. Cost: $45.00. Suzie will have the tickets printed for distribution. Mark your calendars. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 7:00 PM. Next Meeting: July 1, 2010 at APB’s.           



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