On this home page we'll introduce our organization and inform our members about the recent activities of the group.

WELCOME TO OUR SITE! Filipino American League of Engineers & Architects


Ferdinand B. Guinto, F.P.E.


Majella D. Stevenson, P.E.


Joel L. Francisco, A.I.A

Press Relation Officer

Maricel Guinto

Immediate Past President

Gene C. Albano Jr., P.E.

Home About Us Members Page Calendar of Events FALEA-Photos JOB POSTINGS Contact Us HCES-Newsletter

Board of Directors

Angelie L. Armas

Elvi P. Sutherland

Joey G. Resurreccion

Riza Marie R. Gatdula-Cao

Maritez A. Marquez

Roger  Urbi

2024 FALEA Officers:

Recent Activities:

June 15, 2024 (Saturday): FALEA held a get-together picnic at Blaisdel Park at Pearl City. FALEA members and their families shared together a potluck lunch and enjoyed their ample time talking stories, relaxing on a windy afternoon.  (Downloadable pictures-click here)

Upcoming Activity: