Filipino-American League of Engineers and Architects (FALEA) is searching for Outstanding Engineer and Outstanding Architect of the year 2014    to be recognized during the Installation of the Officers and Directors at the PACIFIC BEACH HOTEL in Waikiki on October 11, 2014 (Saturday).

     Any FALEA member can nominate an Outstanding Engineer or Outstanding Architect based on the following four (4) criteria:

1) Technical Accomplishment (Technical Awards, Papers & Presentations, Major Projects).

2) Professional History & Contribution (Position Held, Professional Affiliation, Special Contribution to profession and special recognition)

3) FALEA, Civic & Community Contribution (Affiliations, Position Held, Special Recognition)

4) Recommendations from individuals (The writer must state relationship with the candidate and reasons why the candidate shall be nominated).

All nominations shall abide by the following rules:

* All nominations shall be in, postmarked, on or before September 15, 2014 (Monday)

* All nominations shall be seconded by another FALEA member.

* No nomination or recommendations of relatives (by either affinity or consanguinity).

* All nominations shall be submitted on a prescribed form available at

Please email Lyna Burian at for any questions.

CLICK HERE FOR Nomination Form Here...

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